Harga Plat Corten Steel

Kategori: Corrosion Resistant / Weather Resistant Steel
Grades: Corten A,  Corten B
Standard: ASTM A 588


Corten steel (often referred to as Cor–Ten) is a weather resistant steel grade which could more accurately be termed as an “Atmospheric Corrosion Resistant Steel”. Weathering means that due to their chemical compositions COR-TEN A and COR-TEN B steels, when utilised unprotected, exhibits increased resistance to atmospheric corrosion compared to unalloyed steels. This is because it forms a protective layer on its surface under the influence of the weather.
Corten steel is a copper chromium alloy steel – this alloy displays a greater level of resistance to atmospheric weathering when compared to other unalloyed steels. It’s chemical composition promotes the early formation of an adhering protective layer of rust when exposed to the elements.
The corrosion retarding effect of the protective layer is produced by the nature of its structure components and the particular distribution and concentration of alloying elements in it. The layer protecting the surface develops and generates continuously when subjected to the influence of the weather.
Formation, duration of development and protective effect of the covering layer on weathering steels depend largely upon the corrosive character of the atmosphere. Its influence varies and depends mainly upon general weather condition (e.g. continental) macroclimate (e.g. industrial, urban, maritime or countryside climate) and the orientation of the structure components (e.g. exposed to or shaded from the weather, vertical or horizontal position). The amount of aggressive agents in the air has to be taken into account . In general the covering layer offers protection against atmospheric corrosion in industrial, urban and countryside climate.
COR-TEN A applies to plates up to 12.5mm in thickness,
COR-TEN B applies to plates up to 50mm in thickness.
Basic guidles for the use of this steel in the unprotected condition are described in EN 10025-5 and DASt rule 007.
The entire application technology is of fundamental importance for the performance of the products made from this steel. It must be taken into account that not only general climate conditions but also specific unfavourable local climate conditions in the broadcast sense as well as details of a construction may affect the corrosion behaviour of unprotected weathering steel. The dependency on these facts makes it understandable that no warranty can be given. It is recommended to control the corrosion progress of protected parts out of weathering steel exposed to the influence of weather in reasonable time intervals. A minimum thickness of 5mm is recommended when exposed to the weather in the unprotected condition.
To use the benefits of the higher atmospheric corrosion resistance of COR-TEN in comparison to unalloyed steel it is necessary that design and execution of structures as well as the performance of maintenance works allow an impeded formation and regeneration of the protective rust layer. The methods must meet the latest requirements of technical progress and must be suited for the proposed application. Due consideration must be given to relevant construction specifications.

Chemical Composition (heat analysis, %)

 COR-TEN A0.120.25-0.750.20-0.500.07-0.150.0300.50-1.250.25-0.550.65
 COR-TEN B0.160.30-0.500.80-1.250.0300.0300.40-0.650.25-0.400.02-0.100.40
In order to obtain fine grain structure a sufficient amount of nitrogen absorbing elements is added (e.g. ≥0.02% Al).

Mechanical Properties

At room temperature for plates ≥3mm in thickness (transverse test specimans, according to EN 10002). Requirements to hot rolled plates ≤3mm in thickness according to EN 10025-5.
GradeMinimum yield point (ReH Mpa *)Tensile strengthRm MPaMinimumelongation A(Lo=5.65 √So) %
COR-TEN A355470-63020
COR-TEN B ≤16355470-63020
COR-TEN B > 16 ≤50345470-63020